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Top Three Safety Tips for Workers

Over one million people suffered a work-related illness in 2011 and 2012, according to the Health and Safety Executive. A whopping 27 million working days were lost due to workplace injuries and work-related illness. And 172 workers were killed while doing their jobs. These statistics are sobering and all the more regrettable since workers and employers can do a lot to reduce these numbers. Safety in the workplace and on the job should be a priority for both employees and bosses and there are certainly stringent measures in place to try to enforce this. But besides the legislation, we can all do our bit to make work safer. Follow these three important best-practice rules to keep yourself and other people safe while at work.

Don’t take short cuts

While workers and bosses are always trying to get projects completed on time and make sure work is done on schedule, short cuts often mean accidents. When you have a “quick, get it done now” attitude mistakes creep in and accidents are much more likely to occur. Rushing workers into finishing things while they are working at an unnatural pace creates problems.

Stick to the schedule and follow instructions but always work with attention to detail, not the clock. Workers should be comfortable with what they are doing and able to do the tasks they are required to do. Employers should not pressure employees to complete work in unreasonable timeframes.

Workwear Trousers

Wear high visibility vests and workwear trousers when on site

Drive safe

If the company operates vehicles or has company cars then make sure the whole fleet is checked and serviced regularly. Motor vehicle accidents form a large percentage of workplace accidents, whether they are accidents involving plant machinery or accidents in cars. Workers should take responsibility for themselves before starting the engine – check that the vehicle or the equipment is properly maintained, the lights and brake lights work, the tyres are properly inflated etc.

No one should be driving a vehicle or operating machinery when under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and there are clear policies in place to try to prevent this and penalize those who don’t follow the guidelines. However, it can be equally dangerous to drive or work with machinery when over-tired. Keep in mind that workers should take proper breaks when driving and not exceed the time they should be on the road.

Get with the weather

Make sure you are properly dressed for the weather and for the job. If you are working outside you should be provide with proper work clothes or told what you need to wear to work. For example, you need proper boots or sturdy shoes in the winter and high visibility clothing if you are working near a road. Pay attention to the temperature in the summer, too – make sure you take breaks if the temperature is high and drink plenty of water. Wear the proper personal protective clothing for your job – goggles, shoes, visors, trousers etc.

Workplace safety is an important aspect of daily life and following the correct safety procedures could save your life, or the lives of your staff. Steps to safety could be as simple as wearing the right workwear trousers – better health and safety is the responsibility of us all.

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