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5 Tips for Maintaining Your Septic Tank System

If you have a septic tank, it means one of two things: either you live far from town and miles from a traditional sewage system, or you simply want to manage your own sewage and remain on your own grid. Each scenario has its own merits and there is nothing wrong with having a septic tank. In fact, having your own septic tank can give you a sense of independence – you can be ruler of your own domain. However, septic tanks need to be maintained regularly, and you need to be careful of what goes down your drain. Here are five tips for maintaining your septic tank.

  1. Pump your septic tank annually. If you can’t get to your septic tank pumped annually, every two years could be just fine – depending on how many people you live with. Septic tanks naturally create their own ecosystem, which includes liquid on top and solid on the bottom, but after one to two years, the solid will start to outweigh the liquid, which can cause blockage. Blockage can cause a whole host of problems, like plumbing issues inside the house, reversal, harsh smells, and contamination. If you don’t notice the smell, you will start to notice all the grass around your septic tank start to turn brown and wilt.
  2. Add bacterial supplements to your septic tanks. A healthy dose of live bacterial additives can be hugely beneficial in maintaining the health of your septic tank. Your septic tank, as dirty as you might think it is, becomes almost a living organism that is crucial to the efficiency of your home’s plumbing system. Bacteria can help break down the matter that is inside the septic tank and it can even help with harsh odors. Moreover, you might want to think about not using anti-bacterial soap when you wash, because that can kill the bacteria. Not only that, but the .01% of bacteria that does survive contributes to the proliferation of super bacteria – which is not the kind you want in your house or your septic tank.
  3. Hire a professional to make inspections. Having your septic tank inspected every couple of years is important, because they might be able to catch problems that you never would have noticed. These include blockages, cracks, and filtration issues – you might even have a leak. If you want to save time and money – and perhaps avoid a few week-long periods without a proper sewage system – call a specialist today.
  4. Mind what you flush down your toilets and wash down the drain. Septic tanks can be delicate if you aren’t careful with what goes in them. For instance, if you flush too much toilet paper down a toilet, it could cause your septic tank to go on overdrive, which could eventually cause a minor meltdown. If you have large items or feminine products, be sure to throw them out in the trash, rather than flushing them down your toilet.
  5. Clean and service your filter. The filter of your septic tank is by far the most important part, because it will help separate the solids and the liquids – and it will keep the septic tank’s environment in equal balance. However, every once in a while it needs to be cleaned or replaced. So, the next time you have your septic tank dumped, be sure to replace the filter.

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