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Turning Your House into Your Home

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Every house strives to become a home. What we call home is debatable and certainly different for most of us. We have different tastes and preferences when it comes to interior design, architecture, and landscaping. While some prefer an urban condo, others would go for a suburban family home surrounded by a green, freshly cut lawn. There's one thing we all agree on, however: we all want a house that feels like home. It's what we, as people, strive for: a place to call our home.

It's difficult to exactly pinpoint how a house becomes a home. We have different opinions about what is cozy, what is nice and what is relaxing, but there are some ways that will definitely help you add personality to a plain, modest house. Let's take a look at how simple items can add style to your home and make it special:

Look for a sleek front door

It may seem a cliché, but the front door says a lot about your home. You have to make your home look as inviting and welcoming as possible, but don't go overboard. If you have a porch, the job is even easier: just make sure the front door has a large window. On the other hand, if you don't have a porch, you should choose a front door that gives a special vibe to the front facade. A good idea is to go for simple rectangular shapes, straight lines, and natural wood. Unpainted wood (only shellac or lacquer-treated) is great if you want to give your home a minimal, cottage-like look. Just make sure it's the same style as the front door and they both go well with the rest of your home.

Plants and schrubs

A dash of greenery will definitely make your home stand out in the neighborhood. There are plenty of ways to decorate your home with plants and flowers: you can go for porch plants, window boxes, flower beds, or climbing plants. You'll just have to know how to manage and organize these small green additions, and your home will be a star in the neighborhood in no time. Porches are ideal spots to place plants that love darker areas, for instance, the popular and easy-to-care-for Boston fern. Window boxes are great additions which will instantly make any home spectacularly inviting and charming. These small boxes can hold small flowers or hanging plants, but also cacti and succulents. Roses, clematis, and ivy are some of the most popular climbing plants that every house should have. They do grow slower than other plants, but the results are worth the wait.

Stone paths and wooden decks

Stone is a natural element that can add a cozy feeling to your home, especially when carefully laid out in slabs, surrounded by a healthy lush lawn. A stone path leading to your front door is absolutely stunning and will make your home look truly special. They are easy to install and will completely change the way your home looks.

Gardens and decorative flags

Flags can really help your house look great; they are cheap, easy to install and come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. Many homeowners use them in their gardens and on the front facade of their homes, especially during special events, holidays or parties. Build A Flag, a company based in Florida, can help you decorate your home with any type of flag. For instance, season-themed house flags are particularly popular and can come in various colors and shapes. Also, the company offers a wide range of custom made garden flag stands, address signs and flagpoles, thus helping you create your dream home in no time.

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