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Three Ways to Safeguard Against Garden Flooding

Last year in 2012, the UK experienced some of its wettest weather in a century, with over 8000 homes affected and £400 million worth of damage accumulated.

If you live in an area which is prone to flooding, is there anything you can do to limit the damage potential of the flood water on your land?  In the UK, floods don’t usually tend to be powerful enough to knock down houses, but they can ruin gardens and cause thousands in damages. With this being the case, here are three ways you can safeguard against garden flooding.

Build Upwards, Not Outwards

When you’re thinking about turning your garden into a flowery paradise and you’re trying to build your flower beds, why not consider building vertically as opposed to horizontally?  You can do this by placing trellis up your property walls and by using tall, heavy planters that won’t be washed away if the water comes.

Creating verticality in your garden can be cheap, too, because trellis can be created at home by following this easy tutorial. Similarly, planters can be created out of almost anything, including old, heavy bathtubs and wheelbarrows.  You could even cement them into the ground with cement to ensure they stay fixed during the flooding season.

Raise Your Decking Areas

Ground-level patios can look great when built professionally.  Unfortunately, however, they’re not very appropriate if you live in a location that’s prone to flooding.  This is because they will become muddied and battered if flood water runs over them.

One way you can resolve this issue is to build raised decking areas from either hard woods or stone.  An aesthetically pleasing solution to this problem would be to choose a raised wooden deck which contains plastic.  Providers such as Dura Composite Decking are confident that a composite decking will be able to withstand a flood and still look good because the plastic in the wood stops it from rotting if it gets wet.

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