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Options for Outdoor Seating in Restaurants

Restaurant owners who have taken the plunge to include outside eating spaces are seeing big payoffs from their investments. An article featuring various restaurant owners and managers across New Jersey showed that the restaurants had experienced an increase in sales within a short period of setting up the outdoor spaces. One restaurant in particular saw an increase in 10% within a month of setting up.

Setting up outdoor seating for restaurants is not cheap. However, the returns from the investment are worthwhile. A study by the Simons Advisory Group revealed that investing in a $200,000 patio deck for a restaurant’s outdoor dining area would increase sales for the restaurant by $500,000 through higher sales all year-round.

The following are some options for creating an outdoor seating space for restaurants:

  • The sidewalk

This is one of the easiest options for creating outdoor dining in a restaurant. It requires minimal construction if any. High quality patio furniture for restaurantswill do the trick and attract customers who crave the open air dining experience.

If the space is a rental space, it is important to ensure that your sidewalk seating space provides for flexibility. You should be able to change the configuration to suit the needs of your restaurant. For enhanced privacy, screens may be used.

  • Dining on the rooftop

If you’re not in a position to expand outwards, you can expand upward instead and still offer clients the benefit of al fresco dining. Rooftop dining offers clients the benefit of a bird’s eye view over the landscape below. This is something that sidewalk dining cannot provide.

Like sidewalk dining, you’ll need high quality outdoor furniture. Some shade would ensure clients are protected from direct sunlight and rain. It will also protect guests from other debris, including bird droppings.

It is important to ensure that safety is considered. Side railings that provide protection should be installed if not already available. Including plants and trees in rooftop dining spaces adds a relaxing touch to the space.

  • A garden lunch

Diners today are concerned about the quality of their food. They are also concerned about where it has been obtained from. More people are insisting that restaurants use organic food. It is therefore no surprise that the garden restaurant setting is becoming more popular. People are now flocking to restaurants that are based in vegetable and fruit gardens.

Creating a garden dining space is simple. A few raised beds can create a wonderfully relaxed environment for guests. Include vegetables that can be eaten fresh, such as lettuce, peppers, and fruits.

Creating the right atmosphere

In order to maximize your outdoor space, you’ll need to create an atmosphere in which diners can enjoy their meals. Fire and water are the perfect elements to employ toward this end. These elements alone and in combination will create a relaxing atmosphere. Consider including features such as fountains, pools and weeping walls. A fire pit or floating candles can add a warm touch to the setting.

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