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Is It Time for Tree Removal? 7 Tell-tale Signs

Trees – especially those that are decades old – have become a major part of every family’s life. Parting with trees at home that bore witness to your hardships, triumphs, and everything in between is a difficult decision.

Those trees have been there all your life. They protected your privacy, kept the air clean, and added beauty to your yard. But magnificent as they may be, some trees need to be removed. Although they may look healthy on the outside, certain circumstances may cause them to come closer to the end of their lifespan.

When they are dead or nearing their deaths, trees can be considered safety hazards for people and property. That said, you have the responsibility to prevent any injury or damage they may cause.

Of course, you shouldn’t give up on a tree without just cause. Instead, look for the seven tell-tale signs listed below before deciding to have it removed:

1.   Surface Roots

Some trees have roots that are quite close to the ground’s surface, but not all of them are supposed to be like this. In fact, many trees root deep underground, which means that having their roots appearing along the surface could be a sign of a problem.

When the roots emerge closer to the surface, they are also more susceptible to harm caused by animals, the weather, lawnmowers, and humans. Still, you must remember that this will depend on the type of tree you have.

If you have similar trees in your lot or the neighborhood, you can compare the one with surface roots with others of its kind. If the situation with your tree is different, then it may be struggling to survive.

In most cases, it can be saved with help from tree service experts in Glen Allen, VA, but you need to call them as early as possible. Otherwise, it may be too late for your precious tree.

2.   Root Rot

Another potential issue you may find that involves the tree’s roots is rotting. Some signs of root rot include:

  • Holes in the lawn
  • Dips where the roots of the tree should be
  • Mushrooms that grow around the tree (dead roots serve as food for fungi)

Although root rot cannot be spotted immediately, it can lead to significant issues that can worsen in just a short period. Since roots are crucial for the tree’s health and stability, rotten roots can cause the rest of it to fall over, which can lead to injury or property damage.

3.   Signs of Fungi

Unlike moss that covers even healthy trees, fungi like mushrooms that grow along the trunk or paths of the roots indicate that the tree is struggling to stay alive.

As mentioned earlier, mushrooms that grow around the tree are a sign of root rot. However, such growths may also be caused by several other reasons. The bottom line is that the presence of mushrooms indicates that there are dead or dying parts of the tree.

4.   Unhealthy Trunk

Like roots, the tree’s trunk is crucial in supporting its stability and health. With a weak trunk, trees can collapse at any time and cause expensive damage and even fatal injuries.

In most cases, looking at the trunk will allow you to determine the overall health of the tree. If you see bark falling off or the trunk itself looking cracked and sounding hollow when knocked on, it might mean that the tree is dying.

If the tree starts to lean, it might indicate structural problems along with the roots or trunk. Of course, not all leaning trees should be removed as some are naturally positioned that way.

To be sure, ask an expert for help in diagnosing it.

5.   Falling Branches

Tree branches fall every time there’s a strong storm or any other irresistible force that causes them to break. However, sudden breakage from light wind might mean something else.

Monitor tree branches that no longer look like they can hold up the weight they’re carrying. Keep a close eye on hanging or dead branches as they may be signs of poor tree health.

Again, not all trees with weak branches are dying as sudden branch drop can happen to even the healthy ones. Some species like beech, oak, eucalyptus, elm, and sycamore trees experience this frequently. Sometimes, cutting them off is enough to leave you with a beautiful and healthy tree.

However, you have to keep an eye on large branches that may seem about to fall off. Falling branches can be a hazard to people, animals, and property, so make sure that you ask for help getting rid of them as needed.

If about half of the branches are dead or dying, it may be time to have the tree inspected for potential removal. To be sure, call in experts in tree removal in Midlothian, VA to know when it’s time to act.

6.   Natural Calamity Damage

Storms and harsh winters are two of the most common natural causes of tree damage. When a tree in your yard is subjected to these conditions, be sure to have them checked for safety reasons.

Although trees are quite resilient, many still suffer damage after a storm or strong winds. If you find any evidence of this, like missing branches, exposed roots, or a cracked trunk, call a tree expert right away.

If checked early on, you may be able to save the tree. But if it suffered significant damage, it may be time to remove it.

7.   Lack of Leaves

Trees shed their leaves during winter and stay barren until spring. This cycle is common knowledge among property owners. What many don’t know is that differences in the regrowth may indicate that the tree has fallen ill.

Healthy trees will have no problem sprouting leaves on every branch come springtime. But if that isn’t the case, it could be because your tree is sick. Take sparse leaf coverage as a sign to call landscaping or tree experts.

Prioritize Tree Safety

Saving a tree is always the top priority for property owners and tree experts. However, certain circumstances may force you to have it removed altogether for public and property safety. To make sure you only remove a tree as a last resort, look for the signs listed in this article and always seek expert advice before taking action.

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