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How to Solve Home Window Condensation Problems

There is a distinct science involved in the nature of condensation. It occurs when something of varying temperatures meets another object or element with a separate and distinct temperature. Just imagine a glass of ice cold water on a hot day – when the glass of water sits in the warm temperature, condensation in the form of water droplets builds up on the glass. Condensation can also occur when the your home is particularly warm and the outdoor air is particular cold – and vice versa in the summer when you are blasting your AC. There may also be other reasons why condensation is occurring on the windows inside your home. Here is how to solve home window condensation problems.

One of the most common reasons why condensation is building up on your windows is because there is an air leak or draft. What happens is that the air inside meets the temperature outside, thus causing moisture to grow on your windowpanes – particularly around the casements. If this is the case, you want to seal any air drafts and leaks you detect. You can usually detect these leaks by slowly moving your hand over the casement frame and window – if you feel a little gust of air, there is a good chance you have found a leak.

Another reason why you may be experiencing issues with condensation on your windows is because there is an issue with your HVAC system. For instance, if your air conditioner is running out of refrigerant, it may be causing moist air to be released into the air, thus causing condensation to build up on the glass of your windows. In fact, low condensation levels may also be the reason why an air conditioner freezes up, so you may want to get a specialized technician to refill the refrigerant levels.

Next, window condensation may be occurring simply because your HVAC system is running too high. On an especially hot day, your air conditioner may be so high that condensation builds up. On a particularly cold day, your heating system – combined with the carbon dioxide and the closed windows – may cause the windows to fog up. If this is the case, you want to ease up on your climate setting. After a few hours, the temperature should regulate and you should see less condensation. If the moisture on the windows is still evident, you may want to open the windows to get a fresh breeze going.

In the end, too much condensation on the windows can cause a number of problems. For one thing, the moisture can cause damage to the window casements, especially if they are wood. Not only that, but mold can build up, which not only looks unsightly – it will also spread its spores around your home. It will not only proliferate, it may also cause health issues. This is the reason why it is so important to remedy this issue – for the sake of the structural soundness of your home and your own health and wellbeing.

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