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Essential Things You Should Check Before Buying A New Home

The process of buying a new home can be a long one. The realtors, the legalities, the viewings and everything else can be drawn out so much it would test the patience of a saint.

Perhaps this has something to do with why so many people don't make the proper checks when they look at a potential new home. They are often happy to take things at face value, leaving certain things for a surveyor to look over. But this isn't always wise.

Here are some essential things you would be well off checking before buying a new home. Do them, and you will be in a far better place than if you don't.

Source - Flickr


However large a home is, storage is always essential. It is almost always overlooked by prospective buyers. Think about everything you own that you don't want on permanent display. Towels, tools, bed sheets, cleaning equipment and products. Then there's all the stuff you need to store away tidily, like books, DVDs and kids' toys. You don't necessarily have to look for storage spaces, but you should have a good idea about where you could create them. And also, of course, how much it will cost to do so.


How much natural light is there in the house? Which way does it face? If you visit a potential house around midday at any time of year, it will be as bright as it is going to be.  But it won't give you any idea of how dark it gets outside of those hours, especially during summer. South facing houses are the best for light, while north facing houses can get very dark.

Age Of Roof

While a good house can stand the test of time for hundreds of years if you are lucky, roofs are not so strong. It's important to ask about when it was last repaired, if ever, and you should be wary about sellers that don't have a clue. Tile roof restoration or thatching can add a huge amount to the cost of a house, so if anything needs doing it should be used as a bargaining tool for the your offer on the asking price.


Nobody likes to talk about drainage. It's fully understandable. You are trying to buy your dream home and the last thing on your mind is what happens to all the water and other things that will leave your new property. But you need to think about it. Make sure you know exactly where the water goes, and how accessible everything is, should something go wrong. If there is insufficient drainage, it may cause problems for you if you want to extend or renovate. And it will come at a cost.   

The Area

Most people will ask about local amenities and services. House sellers like these questions because they are selling points. But to really make sure you aren't buying into a nightmare, you should ask about the negatives of living there. Most people will be truthful or, at least, you will be able to read them. A 25-year home loan next door to the neighbors from hell won't be pretty, so do what you can to find out about them.

OK, so that just about covers a lot of the things people forget. If you need extra help, take a look at this article for more tips for home buyers. Happy hunting!

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