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Building a Natural Swimming Pool: 5 Things to Consider First

If you’re someone who loves to swim, so much in fact that you’re seriously considering building one in your backyard, have you ever considered forgoing a conventional swimming pool design and going with a natural swimming pool instead? By taking this approach, not only do you end up exposing your body to a lot less chemicals but natural swimming pools are better for the environment overall.

If this seems like something you would be interested in doing and you’d like to know about what you should consider before going ahead and building one, we’ve provided you with a list of five things to think about before putting a natural pool in your backyard below:

Consider your budget. There are some people who are hesitant about building a natural pool simply because they are concerned about the costs. But, the reality is that in most cases, they cost no more than a conventional pool (around $50 per square feet) and sometimes even less. To get an accurate quote, our recommendation is to contact a company that specializes in natural pools. One of them is They should be able to assist you with any questions that you might have.

Consider the climate. One of the best things about a natural pool is the fact that you don’t maintenance it in the same way that you would a conventional one. This means that you don’t have to cover, drain or refill it. Due to all of the natural vegetation inside of a natural pool, you might think that if you live in a colder climate, this could make things more challenging for you; however, the reality is that in many colder cities, people actually ice skate on their natural pool! Just remember that since colder climates tend to have milder summers, you will probably need a solar or conventional pool heater to keep the water at a comfortable temperature.

Consider the size. Are you wondering if you actually have enough space in your backyard for a natural swimming pool? If so, don’t let that concern you too much. Although you can let it be virtually any size that you’d like, typically natural swimming pools are 25ft. by 30ft. However, it is important to keep in mind that the shape that you want is something to factor in as well.

Consider the company building it. No matter what it is that you are planning to build, if you’re going to hire a company to do it for you, it’s important that you interview a few different ones. For instance, if you were to speak with SwimEx about building a natural swimming pool , they would probably tell you to ask prospective builders about how long they’ve been in business, if they have a portfolio that you can look at and if they are willing to provide you with a few referrals that you could speak with. A reputable company will be willing to offer you all of these things.

Consider if you want to build it yourself. If you want to save a significant amount of money, there is another route that you can take: you can build the natural swimming pool yourself. If you’d like some tips on how you can end up with the results that you truly want, visit Mother Earth News and put “how to build a natural swimming pool” in the search field.

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