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5 Design Tips for a Green Family-Friendly Kitchen

If the last time that you looked at your energy bill, you thought to yourself “I’ve really got a find a way to lower these costs”, then this is the kind of article that you’ve been looking for. That’s because we’re going to give you some tips on how to make one of the most occupied spaces in your home– your kitchen –a bit more energy efficient.

If you’d like some effective suggestions on how to make your kitchen “greener” so that you can get you electricity and water bills under control, please keep reading:

Create an open floor plan. Something that’s becoming pretty popular when it comes to new home designs are open floor places. That’s because as more people are becoming aware of all of the benefits that come with being energy efficient, they realize that an open floor plan brings in more natural light, increases circulation and offers more space as well. If you currently live in a house that didn’t come with an open floor plan, something that you can do is speak with a contractor about either removing a wall (perhaps one connecting your kitchen to your dining room) or updating the kitchen’s layout.

Choose a bright color. One effective way to reduce energy costs is to use natural light on a frequent basis and if you decide to select a wall color that actually reflects the sun’s light rather than absorbs it, you’ll notice a huge difference. That’s why it’s best to go with white or a light pastel shade. Once you select your color, make sure you choose a paint brand that is low VOC. It has less chemicals, which means less toxins and fumes.

Put an automatic faucet in the sink. Just about all of us have been guilty of turning on our kitchen faucet and letting it run for longer than it actually should. When this happens, over time, it ends up increasing our water bills. Something that you can do to prevent this from happening is to put an automatic faucet in your sink. That way, the water only comes on when you place your hands (or a dishes) under the sink.

Use sustainable materials. Whether it’s the file on your tiles, your countertops or your backsplash, when it comes to the materials that you plan to use to make these things, our recommendation is that you go with some sustainable ones. Some of our absolute favorites include recycled glass and steel, porcelain and ceramic tiles, plastic laminates, engineered stone, concrete and wood. All are eco-friendly. All are durable. All are long-lasting too.

Install Energy Star appliances. A kitchen is not a kitchen without some appliances inside of it and the best way to go green with home appliances is to buy some that come with the Energy Star label on them. The reason why is because they are manufactured in such a way that they save as much as 30-40 percent annually on energy costs. For more information on Energy Star and all of the appliances that they have to offer, visit

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