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The Benefits Of Hydro Excavation

When considering the costs, risks, and convenience of any digging project, it’s important to examine the potential advantages that could be offered by hydro excavation. This innovative technique offers a range of benefits that you won’t find using traditional digging machinery. This form of excavation can be used in a variety of industries and scenarios, from installing poles to laying down pipelines. The advantages it offers, from safety considerations to the impact on the environment, all make it a useful tool for the construction industry.

How Does It Work?

In most cases, hydro excavation is used whenever a project requires digging in the ground, trenching, or exposing underlying infrastructures in the earth. The method uses high pressure water blasting perth to cut through the ground, removing soil, rocks, or any materials under the surface to expose the area that needs to be worked on. This is often done using a truck containing a hydrovac vacuum, which, put simply, shoots water into the ground and then vacuums the soil and other materials back into the truck. Specialist equipment is necessary to practice this technique on a dig site, but it’s easy and relatively inexpensive to obtain.

What Are The Advantages?

  • Environmental: Because of the fast and accurate way that hydro excavation works, it does the job without causing extensive damage to the environment around the digging site. It targets the ground in question without disrupting the surrounding soil and structures. The soil is efficiently removed, allowing for speedy restoration of the digging site and minimised disruption to the ecosystem. This method also avoids the use of toxic chemicals that can cause harm to the environment.
  • Damage limitation: Not only will hydro excavation limit damage to the environment of a construction site, it also provides additional security to the infrastructure and utilities located both under the soil and around the area. When the digging area is targeted as accurately as it is using this technique, the pipes and utilities won’t face unnecessary accidental damage. If pipes are being laid during the construction process, the water being shot into the ground by the hydro excavating system won’t target the utilities themselves, so there’s no way that cracks or damage will occur to the pipes during their installation.
  • Worker safety: Construction work is notoriously dangerous, so creating new and innovative techniques and methods for carrying out projects is essential to the safety of the workers involved at every stage of the project. Hydro excavation is far safer than traditional options. It avoids the use of machinery that could easily cause injury to workers, using a safer technique that is far less likely to result in accidental injury. It also requires less manpower than the alternatives, leading to a less busy and potentially dangerous building site.
  • Convenience: Because the process of hydro excavation is much neater and more efficient than traditional digging techniques, it leads to less time being spent on the digging site, less dirt and debris around the area, and a smaller area being used. This means that the building project offers minimal inconvenience to the area and the citizens living nearby, as well as reduced traffic disruption. There is also a lowered risk of damage to surrounding property and power lines, making it a far more public-friendly form of excavation.

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