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Important Questions to Ask a Mortgage Broker

Hiring a mortgage broker is essential if you are interested in buying a house. This is true especially if you are a first time buyer. You want to get it right since this is investment is a big one. Mortgage brokers know the ins and outs of the industry. They can give you the right advice on how you can get a high quality property at a price you can afford. Here are some important questions to ask if you have decided to hire a mortgage broker.

What are the types of loans?

There are different types of loans available and all of them have pros and cons. Whether you choose a fixed-rate loan, an adjustable-rate loan or interest-only loan, you need to understand what each one means and whether or not they would be suitable based on your financial capacity. Your broker will help you decide which of these options would be perfect for you.

What does annual percentage rate mean?

The annual percentage rate, or APR, is a complex calculation including interest rates and other related fees required by the lender divided by the term of the loan. There are lenders who don’t give the most accurate figures. You need to have your broker explain to you all these details to avoid potential mistakes. For adjustable interest rates, the APR does not apply. You need to ask about other details like the maximum annual adjustment, index and margin to understand the overall cost.

What are the other costs?

When buying a property, you don’t just pay for the mortgage loan. You also have to understand the other fees. This includes the appraisal, credit report, title policy, recording fees and taxes. Calculating them is even more difficult. Dealing with all these details without help might be confusing. Hence, asking your mortgage broker about all these details and calculating them in advance is essential. Then, you will know exactly how much you will pay before closing the deal.

With a quality broker by your side, you won’t have to worry about choosing a bad deal since someone will explain to you everything you need to know. By asking the right questions, you will make the most out of the mortgage broker you have hired.

Always refer to your broker if you have questions that are yet to be answered, or if you still can’t make up your mind. In the end, you will still be the one to make the decision, but it will be an informed decision. Brokers have already provided help to hundreds of people over the years. You can count on them for anything related to mortgages.

Image: (steafpong)

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