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4 Reasons to Invest in Seismic Retrofitting

Seismic retrofitting is critical for anyone who owns property in an area that is prone to earthquakes. However, many older buildings have not been strengthened with the necessary building elements and measures to prevent collapse. A single earthquake can cause serious damage to property or much worse, so ensuring your property has been appropriately retrofitted is essential. Read on for four reasons to invest in seismic retrofitting.

1. Protection Against Earthquakes

Those who live in areas that are prone to earthquakes know the devastation that they can cause. Even earthquakes that last only a few seconds can cause immeasurable damage that costs thousands of dollars to repair. Some damages cause by seismic activity cannot be repaired, especially when it comes to historical areas or locations where a lot of people work or spend time.

The most important reason to invest in seismic retrofitting is to protect human life, which is at constant risk within properties that have not been strengthened for seismic activity. If your building is located in a high-earthquake region, such as California, it is crucial that you work with a retrofitting company. If you are unsure as to whether your building has been retrofitted, they can conduct an on-site assessment and evaluate your building’s existing fortifications and identify areas of improvement.

2. Legal Compliance

In some areas, it is required by law that property owners ensure their buildings have been retrofitted for seismic activity. For example, in San Francisco, it is required that wood-frame buildings of more than three stories or two stories over a basement must be seismically strengthened.

There are financial incentives available in many such regions that make it easier for property owners to make these upgrades. Do some research on the local legislation in your area to ensure your building complies. If it does not, reach out to a local earthquake retrofitting service as soon as possible to ensure your property is safe for occupancy.

3. Asset Protection

While the main reason to invest in retrofitting is protection of human life, your assets are also worth protecting. As a property owner, you understand the importance of ensuring your investments are protected against natural events. An earthquake can cause serious damage to your home or your commercial property. Your insurance may not cover all of your losses, aside from the fact that some losses are impossible to recover. Seismic retrofits are also a great way to protect your real estate assets and even improve and increase their worth.

Buildings that have been strengthened will also be more valuable should you want to sell them in the future. Necessary seismic upgrades vary from building to building. For example, some buildings have weak chimneys that need fortifications, while others require cripple wall bracings, and still others require both or neither. Work with a reputable retrofitting service in your area to ensure your property is up-to-date and prepared for an earthquake of any magnitude.

4. An Overall Stronger Property

Seismic upgrades are intended to make your building stronger and more durable. These modifications will ultimately enable your building to withstand extreme weather conditions and stay standing into the future. There are no downsides to seismic retrofitting, even if your property is located in an area that does not see a lot of earthquakes. You can rest assured that your investments are protected and your family will be safe at all times while in your home, or your employees and clients will be safe while in your commercial property. Work with an experienced seismic retrofitting company to assess and identify your specific needs and make a plan for a stronger building that is fortified against earthquakes today.

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